WSN Sales Report
  • 29 Mar 2023
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WSN Sales Report

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Article summary

WSN (Wine Shipping Network) is a fulfillment report known as 205. The Wine Shipping Network report is in a format that most fulfillment companies can use. 

Running The Report

1. Go to Reports > Shipping > WSN Report.

2. Enter the date range you wish to report on.

3. Adjust any additional Date Type parameters, such as: 

  • Submitted Date
  • Completed Date
  • Ship/Pickup Date

4. Adjust any Status options. Typically you should only run the report for Submitted and Completed orders, as these orders have authorization or have collected payment.

  • All Statuses
  • Submitted
  • Completed
  • Pending
  • Hold
  • Quarantine

4. *If the orders are for an allocation, you can filter by the specific allocation.

5. Adjust the Shipping status to Not Shipped to find all the orders that have not shipped and do not have tracking information. Other statuses are available for further reporting. You may have other orders you wish to include. However, the most common is Not Shipped.

  • All Statuses
  • No Status
  • Sent to Fulfillment
  • Shipped
  • Picked Up
  • Handled Externally
  • Pending Carrier Pickup
  • Not Shipped
  • Not Picked Up

6. Click View Report to run your report. You can also click Export to have your downloaded information emailed to you. 

WSN Report Export

Below are the columns that are in the default WSN report.

Format Version 
Client Code 
Order NumberThe number assigned to an order by the admin panel.
Invoice Number 
OnsiteIf the sale is onsite or offsite.
License to License 
Do not reconfigure 
Force 3-tier 
Order TypeThe type of the order. (Example: POS/Admin Panel/Club Order, etc.)
Order DateDate of the order.
Courier / Ship MethodThe shipping method of the order.
Courier Tracking NoThe tracking number of the courier.
Requested Ship DateThe date that the order was asked to be delivered.
Compliance ID 
Age Verification ID 
Recipient ID 
Recipient First NameShip to customer's first name.
Recipient Last NameShip to customer's last name.
Recipient CompanyShip to customer's company.
Recipient Address 1Ship to customer's address.
Recipient Address 2Ship to the customer's address second field.
Recipient CityShip to customer's city.
Recipient StateShip to customer's state.
Recipient Postal CodeShip to customer's postal Code.
Recipient CountryShip to customer's country.
Recipient Work PhoneShip to customer's work phone.
Recipient Home PhoneShip to customer's home phone.
Recipient EmailShip to customer's email.
Recipient DOBShip to customer's date of birth.
Customer IDThe customer number.
Customer First NameFirst name of the customer.
Customer Last NameLast name of the customer.
Customer CompanyThe company of the customer.
Customer Address 1Address of the customer.
Customer Address 2Address of the customer second field.
Customer CityCity of the customer.
Customer StateState of the customer.
Customer Postal CodePostal Code of the customer.
Customer CountryCustomer's country.
Customer Work PhoneThe work phone number of the customer.
Customer Home PhoneThe home phone number of the customer.
Customer Mobile PhoneThe cell phone number of the customer.
Customer EmailThe customer's email address.
Customer DOBThe customer's date of birth.
Credit Card NumberCredit card number used for the order.
Credit Card Exp DateCredit card expiration date.
Payment Authorization CodeAuthorization code from payment gateway.
Special InstructionsAny special delivery/handling instructions?
Gift?Is the order a gift?
Gift MessageA message from the gift or.
Shipping TotalThe total amount for shipping.
Handling FeesThe handing fee amount.
Discount AmountThe amount of discount used in the order.
Insurance (if more than Carrier Std.) 
Retail Amt (Products Only) 
Product 1 SupplierThe supplier of the product.
Prod 1 SKUThe product's SKU.
Prod 1 NameThe name of the product.
Prod 1 TaxThe tax of the product.
Prod 1 PriceThe product's price.
Prod 1 Alcohol %The alcohol % of the product.
Prod 1 WeightThe weight of the product.
Prod 1 Inventory LocationThe inventory location of the product.
Product 2 SupplierThe supplier of the product.
Prod 2 SKUThe product's SKU.
Prod 2 NameThe name of the product.
Prod 2 TaxThe tax of the product.
Prod 2 PriceThe product's price.
Prod 2 Alcohol %The alcohol % of the product.
Prod 2 WeightThe weight of the product.
Prod 2 Inventory LocationThe inventory location of the product.
Product 3 SupplierThe supplier of the product.
Prod 3 SKUThe product's SKU.
Prod 3 NameThe name of the product.
Prod 3 TaxThe tax of the product.
Prod 3 PriceThe product's price.
Prod 3 Alcohol %The alcohol % of the product.
Prod 3 WeightThe weight of the product.
Prod 3 Inventory LocationThe inventory location of the product.
Product 4 SupplierThe supplier of the product.
Prod 4 SKUThe product's SKU.
Prod 4 NameThe name of the product.
Prod 4 TaxThe tax of the product.
Prod 4 PriceThe product's price.
Prod 4 Alcohol %The alcohol % of the product.
Prod 4 WeightThe weight of the product.
Prod 4 Inventory LocationThe inventory location of the product.
Product 5 SupplierThe supplier of the product.
Prod 5 SKUThe product's SKU.
Prod 5 NameThe name of the product.
Prod 5 TaxThe tax of the product.
Prod 5 PriceThe product's price.
Prod 5 Alcohol %The alcohol % of the product.
Prod 5 WeightThe weight of the product.
Prod 5 Inventory LocationThe inventory location of the product.
Product 6 SupplierThe supplier of the product.
Prod 6 SKUThe product's SKU.
Prod 6 NameThe name of the product.
Prod 6 TaxThe tax of the product.
Prod 6 PriceThe product's price.
Prod 6 Alcohol %The alcohol % of the product.
Prod 6 WeightThe weight of the product.
Prod 6 Inventory LocationThe inventory location of the product.
Product 7 SupplierThe supplier of the product.
Prod 7 SKUThe product's SKU.
Prod 7 NameThe name of the product.
Prod 7 TaxThe tax of the product.
Prod 7 PriceThe product's price.
Prod 7 Alcohol %The alcohol % of the product.
Prod 7 WeightThe weight of the product.
Prod 7 Inventory LocationThe inventory location of the product.
Product 8 SupplierThe supplier of the product.
Prod 8 SKUThe product's SKU.
Prod 8 NameThe name of the product.
Prod 8 TaxThe tax of the product.
Prod 8 PriceThe product's price.
Prod 8 Alcohol %The alcohol % of the product.
Prod 8 WeightThe weight of the product.
Prod 8 Inventory LocationThe inventory location of the product.
Product 9 SupplierThe supplier of the product.
Prod 9 SKUThe product's SKU.
Prod 9 NameThe name of the product.
Prod 9 TaxThe tax of the product.
Prod 9 PriceThe product's price.
Prod 9 Alcohol %The alcohol % of the product.
Prod 9 WeightThe weight of the product.
Prod 9 Inventory LocationThe inventory location of the product.
Product 10 SupplierThe supplier of the product.
Prod 10 SKUThe product's SKU.
Prod 10 NameThe name of the product.
Prod 10 TaxThe tax of the product.
Prod 10 PriceThe product's price.
Prod 10 Alcohol %The alcohol % of the product.
Prod 10 WeightThe weight of the product.
Prod 10 Inventory LocationThe inventory location of the product.
Product 11 SupplierThe supplier of the product.
Prod 11 SKUThe product's SKU.
Prod 11 NameThe name of the product.
Prod 11 TaxThe tax of the product.
Prod 11 PriceThe product's price.
Prod 11 Alcohol %The alcohol % of the product.
Prod 11 WeightThe weight of the product.
Prod 11 Inventory LocationThe inventory location of the product.
Product 12 SupplierThe supplier of the product.
Prod 12 SKUThe product's SKU.
Prod 12 NameThe name of the product.
Prod 12 TaxThe tax of the product.
Prod 12 PriceThe product's price.
Prod 12 Alcohol %The alcohol % of the product.
Prod 12 WeightThe weight of the product.
Prod 12 Inventory LocationThe inventory location of the product.

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