Temporary Refund and Service Interruptions with Zeamster Upgrade
  • 05 Oct 2023
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Temporary Refund and Service Interruptions with Zeamster Upgrade

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Article summary

As part of our commitment to continually improving the winery experience, we are excited to announce enhancements to the Zeamster/WineDirect Payments gateway.We have reprogrammed the entire payments integration to improve transactional reliability for WineDirect clients who use WineDirect Payments and Zeamster as their default payment gateway. This massive overhaul will bring new behavior, such as Zeamster credential validation, multi-merchant functionality, and a section to define a deposit account depending on its transaction origins. We've made several improvements and fixes to the payment processing system.

Here are the key benefits:

  • The EMV and VivoPay terminals now process payments more efficiently, which means faster transactions and less data sent
  • We've added new features to prevent duplicate orders and to keep track of transactions more accurately
  • The overall Javascript logic has been improved

And here are the bugs we've fixed:

  • Duplicate and missing orders have been eliminated
  • We can now retrieve the proper Location ID
  • Camera capture for purchases now works correctly
  • EMV terminal timeout messaging fixed 

 Due to these upgrades, you will notice temporary interruptions in some of your Zeamster services.

What is Being Worked On

  • Refunding Issue - This is only affecting wineries using exclusively Zeamster.
    • Transactions are not refunding through the admin panel. 
    • Non-wine club transactions made before October 4, 2023, and wine club Transactions made before October 3, 2023, must be refunded through the Zeamster gateway. 

WineDirect Payments will process these refunds for you in bulk. Please download and fill out the spreadsheet below, then email it to payments@winedirect.com

  • VivoPay Processing Issue
    • Only manual credit card and tap payment entry will be possible.
  • VivoPay Processing Issue
    • Any order made with VivoPay after October 4, 2023, cannot be canceled or voided.

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