Back Orders
  • 23 Feb 2023
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Back Orders

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Article summary

Back Orders - Fulfillment
This article will explore the Back Orders page where orders that are on insufficient inventory can be populated.

From this page, you can search and filter for backorders by Account and by Warehouse that have been submitted within the WD fulfillment system. Drill down to view order details, delivery information, and order products.


You can select the Warehouse from the dropdown menu or choose from the warehouse column of the results field. Either will sort your orders by the shipping from column.


Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated
Graphical user interface  Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Pro-Tip: you can scroll down and view the data set as a pie chart as well as view your backorders relative count by state. the images in this section can be saved.

Interacting with Back Orders:

To View, the backorder, select one of the Order Numbers. Selecting one of the order numbers will pull up the correlated order allowing you to progress the order, edit the order, change the order's address, or cancel the order.


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Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated

To view a map of the Delivery address, Select the Ship to Field


Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated

To review and edit the description of the Products within the Order, first Select One of the SKUs


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This will take you to Products > Sellable Products > Listings, From there you can edit the product's description on the packaging slip so you can progress the order.

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