Changing an Address
  • 23 Feb 2023
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Changing an Address

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Article summary

Addresses can be changed prior to shipment. Please note that addresses can be changed only if the order is on hold and not showing a status of “Sent to WMS.”

  • Go to the View Orders page to search for the specific order you would like to change the address.
  • Click the link of the order number (either your “Customer Order No.” or the “WineDirect Order Number”). Clicking either number will bring you to the order details page.
  • Click on the “Change the Address” button at the top of the upper right corner, to proceed with your request.

  • A popup window will appear, and from here you will be able to make changes.
  • Please note that each line has a character limitation as outlined below:
        Name: 30 characters (including spaces)
        Company Name: 30 characters (including spaces)
        Address Line 1: 30 characters (including spaces)
        Address Line 2: 8 characters (including spaces)

  • Checking the small box will confirm the order will be sent to a residential address
  • Proceed with “OK” to save your changes, or “Cancel” to cancel your request.
  • Once changes have been applied, a confirmation window will appear. Selecting the “Close” button will close the pop-up.


Please email or call 707-603-4011 if you have any questions or need additional information.

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