Create a New Product
- 06 Dec 2024
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Create a New Product
- Updated on 06 Dec 2024
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Create a New Product
To begin, the user will need to select the following attributes from the dropdown menus:
- Supplied By*
- Supplier - parent winery name, if applicable
- Sellable By*
- Seller - specific winery name, if applicable
- Item Type*
- Accessory
- Food
- Gift Set
- Insert/Collateral
- Pick-To-Order
- Wine/Sparkling
- Press 'Go"
The following screen will populate with field settings applicable to the specific type of product that was selected to create. All fields highlighted in red are mandatory entries. The product will not successfully be created without these fields entered. The following is a list of field terms and definitions that pertain to a Wine/Sparkling product set up (fields may vary by type):
- Sellable By*
- Winery Brand name
- Alcohol Type*
- Sparkling
- Spirit
- Still
- Supplier SKU*
- SKU naming convention - max 25 characters
- Brand Name*
- Brand/Winery name
- Packing Slip Description
- Message that will appear on customer-facing packing slip -
- Fanciful Name
- This is the area where a client should differentiate the SKU from others similar - i.e. Reserve, Estate. Vintner's Blend etc. The completion of this field allows for the clarification of the bottle from the purchase to shipping stage.
- TTB Approval Number
- Varietal*
- Type of Wine
- Vintage*
- Year of Wine
- Vineyard Designation
- Required if on label
- Alcohol Percentage*
- Appellation*
- Case Quantity*
- bottles in cases - 6, 12, etc.
- Country of Origin*
- Suggested Retail Price*
- Region of Origin
- Bottle Size in mL*
- Description*
- as the above areas are completed this field will automatically populate
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