Estimate Weather Risk (5-Day Forecast)
  • 23 Feb 2023
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Estimate Weather Risk (5-Day Forecast)

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Article summary

Estimate Weather Risk (5-Day Forecast) - Fulfillment
This article explains the feature of setting Weather Thresholds to manage orders and monitor forecasts.


This feature allows the user to set minimum and maximum temperatures; including ice, snow, and rain thresholds within a specific date range. Once these thresholds are set, the system will populate all orders in the system that are destined to areas meeting these thresholds and will allow you to manage these orders further by placing them on Weather Holds.

If the orders are not already on Weather Hold, the user can proceed with this action on this page. Here, you can also search the grid of orders based on destined state, zip code, or warehouse.

Weather forecasting within this feature is provided by AccuWeather.

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