Inventory Consumption
  • 03 Mar 2023
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Inventory Consumption

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Article summary

Inventory Consumption - Fulfillment
The Inventory Consumption report is used for end-of-month inventory reporting and storage velocity on SKUs.

The Inventory Consumption report is used for end-of-month inventory reporting and storage velocity on SKUs. This report can be run by the vendor, a selected warehouse, a custom date range, or one of the five preset date ranges made available with the all-new WineDirect fulfillment search criteria.


The date range is auto-populated to a 90-day date range; presenting the starting number of cases and bottle consumption of each SKU of those 90 days, ending with the case amount upon the last date of the 90-day period.


After clicking search you will have the ability to export your inventory activity list to an excel spreadsheet.


A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated


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