Wine SKU Setup Form
  • 23 Jul 2024
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Wine SKU Setup Form

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Wine SKU Setup Form & Instructions

Please click the hyperlink to download the Wine SKU Setup Form which details what information is required to successfully create a sellable & shippable SKU in the WineDirect system.  For Non-Wine items, please navigate to the Non Wine SKU Setup Form article.  For Gift Sets & Pick-To-Order (also known as "bundle" SKUs), please read the Gift Set / Pick To Order article.

What is the turn-around for WineDirect to create a SKU after the form is supplied?

  • 1-19 SKUs setup within 2 business days of request.
  • 20+ SKUs may take up to 5 business days.

    Important Notes & Reminders:
    • In the Wine SKU Setup Form, the required fields are highlighted in yellow.
      •         For wine items that are 3L or bigger, these will need to be set up as GSETs, click here for more information on GSETs.
    • Your "Client SKU" can be any combination of letters or numbers.  SKUs are case-sensitive; please submit SKUs with upper case letters.
    • You may wish to include a custom description in the Packing Slip Description field which will be displayed on the packing slip.
    • WD requires SKU #s on each piece of collateral included in a shipment.
    • Client SKU character limit is 25 characters (with spaces, dashes, underscores, etc.)

Example Setup Form with field instructions (click image to magnify):

  • Supplied By (Parent Co.): Name of main winery client of this SKU owner, if the owner has more than one (1) wine brand, list the parent owner winery name.
  • Contact Name: Name of person submitting the form.
  • Contact Phone: Phone number of person submitting the form.
  • Item Type: Select and choose from drop-down within cell 
  • Client SKU: 25 character limit - must be ALL CAPS if a ShipCompliant client!
  • Packing Slip Description: Customer-facing description of the wine SKU.
  • Fanciful Name: This is required if vineyard/reserve specification exists on the wine label (see example above).
  • Brand Name: Winery label name.
  • Varietal: Varietal of wine.
  • Vineyard Designation: Required if on the label ex: Amy's Vineyard.
  • Appellation: (see above)
  • Country: 2 letter code (see above)
  • Region: Required if different than appellation
  • Alcohol Type: Select and choose from drop-down within cell 
  • TTB #: (see above)
  • Vintage: (see above)
  • Alcohol %: (see above)
  • Case Quantity: 6 bottles, 12 bottles, etc.  
  • Retail Price: (see above)
  • Bottle Size: (mL)
  • UPS Code: (see above, optional)
  • List All Brands/Accounts Selling this SKU: (if parent company, list all brands that will be selling this SKU)
  • WineDirect SKU: (WD will complete - auto assigned after SKU is created)

Please email completed forms to  Our Client Services team will send a confirmation once all SKUs have been setup. 

After the product(s) are set up in our system, you can submit your Inventory IN request.

Product Sync

When a winery uses our fulfillment and ecommerce services, we will assist you with the setup of your account for Product Sync. Read more about Product Sync Details HERE.

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