Orders and Payments FAQ
  • 15 Nov 2023
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Orders and Payments FAQ

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Can I split the payment status to have both authorized and captured payments?

No, the WineDirect platform cannot split payment processes based on the type of order (website, admin, club, mobile etc.). It also cannot be split for different types of shipping strategies ie (pick up, ground etc.). If you would like to switch your process, email support@winedirect.com 

Is there any way to edit the billing and/or shipping address once an order is complete?

For accounting and reporting purposes you need to cancel the order, refund the credit card, then duplicate the order and adjust the billing and/or shipping information.

Can you change the ‘type' on an order once it’s been placed (i.e. Place an ‘Admin’ order type, then change it to a ‘Club’ order)?

Yes. You can do this and you can change other pieces of order information as well.

Can you add new order types?

There are a number of Order Types that are defaults on WineDirect.

I had to re-create a customer's order. Is there a way to not send an order confirmation email to a customer when you process their order?

No, the order confirmation email is automatically sent once an order is processed. You may wish to send the customer an email prior to processing the order to explain the new receipt.  

What does "Pending" mean on an order?

A "Pending" order is NOT a complete order, and cannot be cancelled or deleted.

There are a few ways that pending orders may be created:

  • Abandoned Cart: When a customer abandons their shopping cart before processing their order, a pending order is created. A person may have been price shopping or simply left the site without finishing their order.
  • Abandoned Admin Panel Order: A pending order is also created if you cancel or abandon an order on the backend before clicking process.
  • Declined Order: If an order declines, a pending order will be created so that you can review the reason for decline.
  • Failed POS Order: If an order is stopped before the 'green check mark' screen, a pending order will be created.*

The WineDirect platform will remember as much information as the customer filled out. However because the cart/order was abandoned before the order was placed no payment will be issued.

Pending orders do not have inventory associated with them. The status tab will read “Order is pending and cannot be processed”.

Generally, pending orders do not have a successful payment attached to them, and will not need to be refunded or cancelled. However, in rare occasions there may be payment. You can verify this by checking the 'payment' tab of the order.

On the Admin Panel is there a way to issue a credit to a member’s card?

Using the WineDirect Admin Panel you can issue both a full refund and a partial refund for an order to a customer’s credit card. 

Where can I find and edit the email that is sent out when a customer places an order?

The Order Confirmation email is a System email located under Contacts and Email Documents. 

When I create an admin panel order and select the check (net30) only Check appears on when the order is placed. Is there a way to see if it was Check Net 30 or Net 10?

No. Both Net 30 & Net 10 check orders will simply be marked off as Check. It is up to the client to manage these terms and collect payment. The Notes section of the order can be used to add additional information about the order, such as Net 30 or Net 10 payment types.

Yes, your customers can pay for an order with multiple tender types.

Can I edit the packing slip and invoice layouts/design? How can I add my logo to the packing slip and invoice for orders?

You cannot edit the packing slips and receipts yourself on the WineDirect platform (They are a set format used by all WineDirect clients).

However you can add your company’s branding and modify the packing slip/receipt outside of the WineDirect platform by either:

A) Adding a watermark with a third party program such as Adobe Acrobat Pro.

B) Or printing the packing slip and/or receipt onto your company letter head.

Can WineDirect sell to international consumers (outside of the USA or Canada)?

No, you cannot process sales in WineDirect for international orders.

What is the difference between voided, refunded, and cancelled on orders? Where are these reported?

Voided and Refunded refer to the payment status of an order, cancelled refers to the status of an order. Cancelling an order is a two step process requiring an admin to adjust the payment for the order (Void or Refund) as well as change the order status (Cancelled). An order can be marked as cancelled without adjusting the payment & vice versa.

A voided order is one where the payment was stopped before being processed by the payment gateway and charging the customer’s credit card. A refunded order is one where the customer’s credit card has already been charged and a refunded payment must be issued to the customer.

Cancelled orders are orders where the order status is marked cancelled.

For more information on voiding & cancelling orders please see:

What is a mod 10 check?

All credit cards use a standard formula in assigning a credit card number to a card. The mod 10 check is a checksum formula verify to make sure that the credit card number entered follows this formula and should therefore be a valid credit card. This is designed to check for key stroke errors, such as too many or too few characters. The mod 10 check does not send data to any credit card providers, it simply prevents someone from entering any string of numbers into the credit card field (E.g. 0000-0000-0000-0000). If a card fails a mod 10 check you will want to verify you have the correct numbers and type the card number in correctly.

For additional information please see the following Wikipedia article: Luhn algorithm

What Do I Do with a Quarantined Order?

A non-compliant order will complete the payment process you have set up with your payment gateway, either Authorize (if you get payment when you ship) or Capture (if you take the money before shipping the product). WineDirect calls non-compliant orders ‘Quarantined’ orders; an order can be quarantined for many reasons. If this happens, the website administrator will receive an email every time a Quarantined order comes into your system. You can access these orders through your WineDirect Order area: Store > Orders > Then change the ‘Status’ drop down to ‘Quarantine.’ On the Dashboard of the Admin Panel, you will also be able to see all Quarantined orders in the ‘Alerts’ section.

The ‘Compliance’ tab within an order will show the message that comes directly from ShipCompliant. This message explains why the order did not pass the compliance check. If you need assistance deciphering what the message means you may need to contact ShipCompliant client services at support@shipcompliant.com. To rectify the order there is an ‘Edit Order’ button so that you can change the billing or shipping information and products for the order. Once you’re rectified the compliance ‘error,’ you can then chose the appropriate ‘Compliance Status:’ action in the drop down menu, then hit ‘Process.’ The options are:

  • Retry Compliance (and Submit Order)

This will check the order once again for compliance.

  • Force Compliance (and Submit Order)

This will force the order through ShipCompliant if you want to processes regardless of the compliance issue.

  • Void Compliance

This will void the compliance check if you are canceling the payment.

How do I refund a Pending Order?

In rare cases a pending order could have a payment successfully processed. These orders payments need to be refunded. To do this follow the steps below:

In Store > Orders > open your pending order > go to the Payment tab > click on Manual Mode ( the bottom left of the little window) > in the drop down menu, choose Paid (this will change the payment status of the order) > click on Process > in the Actions column of the payment tab, there should be a button Void/Refund > Click on Void/Refund  as this will refund the charge on this order.

How can I cancel an order that has been placed on hold?

An order that has been placed on Hold cannot be cancelled while it is in it's hold status as it is not yet a fully processed order. Only processed orders can be cancelled. 

The best method to remove a cancelled order is to take the order off of hold place the order as a Check or Cash transaction so that the customer is not charged for the order. Please ensure that you do not check "Send Order Confirmation Email to Customer" box so that the customer does not receive an email for the order. 

After placing the order you may cancel it like any other valid order by going to the status tab of the order. Canceling the order will return payment back to the customer.

Does WineDirect help prevent fraud orders, chargebacks, or stolen credit cards?

The WineDirect platform checks to see if it's a valid credit card by doing a mod10 check. If it's a valid credit card number, our platform securely passed the credit card information to your payment gateway. The gateway then either charges the card or declines the card. If it's declined, your website will pass that message to the consumer. If it's charged your website will complete the purchase.

If it passes a mod10 check, it means it's a valid credit card. At that point it's up to your payment gateway to either accept or reject a credit card. Within your payment gateway you can turn on Address Verification (AVS) so that the billing address on the order needs to match the billing address the credit card company has on file.

However, if you use the WineDirect POS system, guest customer transactions will decline due to the AVS check

Turning on AVS could may mean loosing some valid sales, especially if you use our point of sale. As a result, we generally do not recommend having AVS enabled if you use the POS. For online orders, you still have the option to require the CVV code to mitigate fraud.

Ultimately WineDirect does not provide any refund to you if you get a charge back or a fraudulent order. 

Where can the customer/admin enter a gift message when placing an order? 

The gift message box will only appear if the order is being sent to an address different from the billing address in the checkout screen. Customer can enter a gift message in the Gift Message box under the Shipping Information section after New Shipping Address is selected. Please note that the gift message box only allows a maximum of 255 characters.

Can I store the CVV or CV2 numbers on credit cards in WineDirect? Can they be imported?

WineDirect's platfrorm is not able to store the CVV or CV2 numbers (on the back of credit cards). It is illegal to store/keep these numbers for clients and against PCI compliance rules. Therefore, you cannot import them into the platform either.

Where can I use the CVV or CV2 to get better rates?

The CVV or CV2 number can only be used on one-time orders since it's illegal to store/keep on file. You can use it in the following areas of WineDirect:

  1. On WineDirect POS orders.
  2. On admin panel orders.
  3. Customers can enter it on the consumer facing website.

Please note that CVV numbers can not be used on club orders. Also note that CVV or CV2 numbers can only work if the payment gateway you work with accepts them. There are payment gateways that do not accept the CVV so don't assume it will work and you'll get a better rate. If your gateway does accept the CVV number and your website isn't setup for it, please contact your website designer to activate it (it can be turned on in the website setting tools).

Can we accept international credit cards?

Unfortunately, only North American credit cards are the only ones accepted as they are needed to match the customer's billing address.

Where do you enter a gift message?

To enter a gift message on a website/admin panel order, it will be via the Order Notes section. To enter a gift message via club orders, it will be via the club member's customer profile > clubs tab > Notes section. 

How do I add multiple tracking numbers to an order in WineDirect? 

To add multiple tradcking numbers to an order in WineDirect.

Which carriers are supported by the package tracking feature?

The following carriers are supported by real time package tracking updates: USPS (United States Postal Service), UPS, FedEx, DHL, Canada Post, Fastway Australia, and Australia Post.

What is the difference between Submitted and Completed order statuses?

Submitted and Completed order statuses are based on the Payment status, and how the winery would like to configure it. This can be adjusted by you in the Website Settings section.

  • Submitted Orders - This is when an order has been authorized but not yet charged. Think of it as a car rental process where the car rental firm authorizes your card for the rental, but doesn't charge until your return the car.

    The Payment Status on a submitted order is set to be "Authorized", and the Order Status is set to be "Submitted". Most often the winery still has posession of the wine/product, and is waiting for the order to either be shipped or picked up by the customer. Once the Shipping Status has been changed to indicate whether the order has been "Shipped" or "Picked Up," the Payment Status will then change to be "Paid", and the Order Status is changed to be "Completed".
  • Completed Orders - A order instantly is completed and charges the credit card for the order payment.

    The Payment Status is set to be "Paid", and the Order Status is set to be "Completed". In this case, the winery has decided to charge the payment, even though the shipment is likely has not left the winery, and is waiting for the order to either be shipped or picked up by the customer. Once the shipping information has been added, or the order has been picked up, the Payment Status and Order Status remain the same. Only the Shipping Status would be changed to either "Shipped" or "Picked Up."

Why is tracking information not being pulled from fulfillment into WineDirect?

Verify that the order in question was not placed more than 30 days from the last most recent fulfillment check. WineDirect will stop checking for tracking information 30 days after the order was placed. If you anticipate that an order will not be shipped out for at least 30 days, you will want to place a future ship date on the order.

When you refund or return an order the original order still shows as "To Be Picked up".  Can this be adjusted?  This is a problem since our tasting room staff can give out wine that was actually refunded.

This is the current functionality of our POS system. Refunding or Returning doesn't change the Shipping Status of the original order so the order can still be marked "To Be Picked Up". However, it will also have another flag that reads "Order has been refunded" so this should prevent your Tasting Room staff from giving out that order. Sometimes, wineries perform Partial Refunds and part of the order still needs to be picked up. So we can’t automatically change the Shipping Status of the original order.

What happens when you Cancel an order that has already been Refunded?

This will cause an issue with your Reports because the Refund will create a new order number with a negative Order Total.  In general, the original order will offset this negative refund transaction, so the original order needs to have a Completed status.  But if you also Cancel the original order, you will get rid of the positive order and the sum of the two transactions will be negative.  We would expect this to cause a Reporting discrepancy.

Secondly, Cancelling an Order will trigger an attempt to Void the payment.  If you process the order, Refund it and Cancel it all on the same day before the batch is Settled in your Payment Gateway, you can run into a scenario where you void the original transaction and also refund.  The Refund will send money to the customer’s credit card and the Cancel will void the original payment (funds won’t get captured).

If your intention is to Cancel the transaction records in ShipCompliant, go to the Initial Order > SC Compliance tab > Void Compliance.  This will remove the record for this transaction in ShipCompliant, without causing any reporting and payment issues outlined above.

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